Two Stevenson University Scholars Make Volunteering a Priority
Author: Anastasia Delices
Community Involvement
Monday, 18 Nov 2019
While college can place many demands on a student’s schedule, two Stevenson University students are finding ways to make volunteering at Junior Achievement a fun priority. Kelsey David and Cassidy Kling are both freshman nursing majors at Stevenson University in the Service Scholars program.

Service Scholars is a comprehensive initiative that offers participants the opportunity to extend their civic engagement in the community, reflect upon possibilities for personal and social change, and develop the necessary skills to succeed in the classroom and, eventually, the workforce.
"When I was looking at my options, I knew that I didn’t want to be behind a desk. JA allows me to interact with fifth graders and actually make a difference,” said Kelsey.

Since volunteering at JA, Kelsey hasn’t been at a desk, but rather in the center of JA BizTown, where she supports the staff by answering questions for students and volunteers throughout the dynamic work readiness experience.
While Cassidy has volunteered in a business or two in JA BizTown, she is usually working with JA’s development team assisting with upcoming events or contacting JA partners.
“I definitely think all kids should have Junior Achievement programs because it teaches them things like how to write a check, how to save money and how to invest in college. No one ever had anything like this at the schools I attended and, during my senior year of high school, a lot of the seniors didn’t have any of these skills that are being taught here at such a young age,” said Cassidy.
You, too, can make a difference just like Kelsey and Cassidy! Click here to volunteer your time at JA BizTown.
Anastasia Delices is a marketing intern at JA of Central Maryland. She is a communications major at Towson University who will graduate with her BA in May 2020. Her primary focus within her major is marketing.
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